News & Stories
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Continuum's 2024 Impact Report
A look back on our accomplishments, opportunities for innovation and the organization’s impact on the community.

Helping Older Adults Understand the Brain
A grant from the Dana Foundation helps OLLI-UW create a first-of-its-kind program to help older adults understand brain health.

How Continuum is Transforming Lives Through Education
Continuum hosts its first in-person certificate scholarship fundraiser to encourage discussions about regional higher education needs.

Continuum Convenes Takes On Critical Questions Of Higher Ed
Continuum engages business and community leaders to explore fundamental transformations to learning.

UW in the High School Registration Rises 50%
New state legislation helps thousands of Washington students earn college credits at no cost.

Using Market Research to Create Sustainable Programs
Gain a better understanding of your audience through the support of our Market Research team.

Manca Valum, our first-ever chief advancement officer, will build on Continuum's culture of philanthropy.

Creating Meaningful Online Learning Experiences
Learn how the LE team can help you develop programs that use evidence-based approaches to online learning.

Samuel Sharar, M.D., Earns Lifelong Learning Award
Professor emeritus Samuel Sharar, M.D., earns UW Lifelong Learning Award for his outstanding work.

7 Tactics for Creating a Winning SEO Strategy for Higher Education
Learn tips for creating a SEO strategy for higher education.

Expanding Access to UW in the High School
The passage of Senate Bill 5048 opens the door to higher education for thousands of high school students in Washington state.

Demystifying Email Marketing
Discover best practices and tips for understanding email marketing guidelines.

Top Tips for Encouraging Alumni Engagement
Learn how you can create meaningful relationships with alumni with tips from the UW Alumni Association.
Employee Stories

Adapting Programs to Better Serve Students
We made several changes to the UW Certificate in Paralegal Studies program so working professionals can fit learning into their already busy lives.

Improving Accessibility to Enhance the Online Classroom Experience
Continuum's learning designers are ensuring inclusivity in the classroom by amplifying the importance of accessible course material.

Increasing Access to Programs
Continuum College has joined forces with ReWA to help immigrants and refugees access UW Professional & Continuing Education certificate programs.

Becoming More Inclusive Internally for All Students
We're ramping up our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts by establishing internal workgroups to create opportunities for staff to get involved.

Upgrading the Digital Student Experience
Significant improvements in technology behind Continuum's sites allowed our development team to bring key upgrades to the digital student experience.

Creating Communities of Learners
"I love it when I see our students, instructors, advisory board members, staff and community partners use our networks to connect and cheer on each other."

Helping Students Achieve Their Goals
“Hands down, the best part of working here is our students. They inspire and impress me on a daily basis.”

Inspired by Coworkers Wealth of Talent
“My coworkers inspire me. I’m amazed at the wealth of talent, knowledge and creativity within our organization.”

Helping Students Reach Their Full Potential
“One of the best things about working for UW Continuum College is being able to work with a group of incredibly smart, talented people who are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential.”

Inspired by the Organization's Vision of Education for All
“Everyone is on a different educational path and it’s so interesting to see how people are using our programs to change their lives.”
Partner Stories

Building a Community
Discover how establishing a cohesive community has been a factor in the success of the Master of Human-Computer Interaction + Design program.

Intensive Analysis Creates Student Engagement
Deborah Porter's analysis of learning objectives for her lectures and assignments has strengthened her teaching and led to new research ideas.

Director And Mentor Teaching Grad Students
In his 15 years of teaching at the UW, Xiaosong Li has mentored a growing "family" of students on their path to fulfilling careers.

Planning and Purpose
Learn about the thriving Master of Science in Computational Linguistics and hear from program director, Emily Bender.

Paving a Path to Information
Librarian Robin Chin Roemer is helping nontraditional students navigate the UW library system.

Getting More Voices Heard
Close to a million people are getting the tools to speak more effectively, thanks to Matt McGarrity’s public speaking MOOC.

Bringing Fun Into Engineering
Professor Wei-Chih Wang inspires high school students to flourish by discovering engineering and design solutions.

An Engineering Education Reinvented
UW’s sought-after Human Centered Design & Engineering programs have roots in the earliest days of new learning.
Student Stories

Expanding Possibilities Through Scholarship
A scholarship helped pave the way for Guillermo Ruiz to bounce back from a layoff by allowing him to gain the skills he needed to succeed in today's workforce with minimal financial strain.

Going to the Next Level
Research scientist Neva Corrigan makes major breakthrough with the help of a UW Certificate in Data Science.

Opening Up a Whole New World
Youth & Teen Programs opened up Aman Mittal’s world by giving him a taste of college life and the independence to explore new opportunities.

Keeping Indigenous Language Alive — And Well
Thanks to the Master’s Degree in Computational Linguistics, Lonny Strunk has been able to keep his native language alive while providing a new perspective on Indigenous culture.

Continuing a Lifetime of Learning and Enrichment
Through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW, Daniel and Cynthia Whitney have enriched their lives by exploring subjects they didn’t have time to peruse previously.

Blending Two Perspectives For One Global Vision
The Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program brought together global leaders to share strategies on advocating for the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in their communities.

Combating Disinformation Across the Globe
IELP's Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program offers Fellows from around the world a chance to collaborate and combat disinformation.

Exercising Minds and Sharing Knowledge Worldwide
Hosting the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW’s new podcast has given Charlene Joy and Murray Urquhart a chance to combine their passions with the love of learning.

Returning to School for a Sustainable Society
Jessica Brown dreamed of working in the transportation industry. The online MST program grew her passion and helped her land a job impacting the larger community.

Reigniting a Passion and Connecting to the Past
After drifting away from photography, Kim Hawk got back behind the camera with the help of a UW Certificate in Photography.

Opening the Door to a Better World
A UW Certificate Scholarship gave Rebecca Bramwell the chance for a fulfilling career in ecology — and a clear path for the future.

Exploring a New Career
Recent U.S. immigrant Veronicah Munyao is taking the next step on her career journey and giving back to the community — with help from a UW Certificate Scholarship.

The Confidence to Succeed
Eréndira Ramos Vázquez dreamed of growing her career. IELP’s Graduate School Preparation Program helped improve her English skills and allowed her to thrive in graduate school.

An Opportunity to Learn and Grow
UW Professional & Continuing Education’s Certificate in Human Resources Essentials gave David Jackson the skills he needed to secure a new role.

Access to the World
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW's online courses enable Alex Suarez to have community from the comfort of home.

Changing Lives Through Education
UW in the High School alum and teacher Kayla Hoffman says UWHS gives ambitious students a chance to earn UW credit.

Ensuring a Timely Graduation
A rising senior, Marysia Koltonowska ensured she had the credits to graduate on time with the help of UW Summer Sessions.

Connecting With Her Peers
Renna Orr spent her summer discovering, learning for fun and making new friends with the UW Summer Youth program.

A Passion for Health and Equity
Omid Bagheri Garakani grew up wanting to help other people. The UW COPHP program enlivened his passion and helped him land a job.

Rejoining the Workforce With Confidence
A UW Certificate Scholarship helped Corine Rigby gain the skills she needed to step back into the workforce with confidence.

Fulfilling a Dream
Tolulope Daramola grew up with a hunger to learn. Today, he’s still learning — and building a business — with help from a UW Certificate Scholarship.

Born to Tell Stories
A certificate scholarship has given Sarah Wildsmith the chance to forge a new career path in marketing and to tell her own story.

A Brand-new Start
Syed Akmal Hussain has seized the chance for a career in data — and a better life for his young family — through the UW Certificate Scholarship.

Sharing His Love Of Nature
Three thousand miles from his hometown of Brooklyn, Sean Davis has discovered his passion for wetland management with the help of a certificate scholarship.

A Challenge Before College
High-school student Jeremy Steckler challenged himself scholastically and gained college credit on his own high-school campus through UW in the High School.

A Confidence Boost
Georgina Sanchez was looking for a quick way to improve her English skills and to boost her confidence, and she was able to do both with UW’s International and English Language Programs.

Back To School At His Pace
As a father with a growing family, Ben Arnold wanted to bolster his education at his own pace, which the Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Social Sciences helped him do.

Making Her Summer Count
As a veteran gaming professional, Jill Smith wanted to add to her education and advance in her field, and she accomplished both with a certificate during UW Summer Quarter.

Adding To Her Skill Set
Veteran consultant Porsche Everson was looking to retool her skillset, and the UW Certificate in Data Visualization gave her the skills she was looking for.

A Career To Match Their Passion
Al Smith wanted to break into the field of writing and editing but needed a boost to get started. Read how the Certificate in Editing gave Al the skills and credential they sought.

Taking His Career To The Next Level
The online Master of Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics helped Edwin Quezada make the leap from an entry-level position to a managerial role.

Learning For Life
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW gave Helen Oppenheim the opportunity to “exercise her mind” and continue a lifetime of learning.

The Path To A Better Life
Single dad Jeremiah Walters is building high-tech knowledge — and a better life for himself and his son — with help from a UW Certificate Scholarship.

Building A Brighter Future
A UW Certificate Scholarship paves the way for mom Laura Kirch to return to work and start a new chapter in life for her and her family.

Finding A Passion Despite The Odds
Brendan Steiger gets a second chance, gains the skills and confidence to get back on track after a serious car accident by completing a certificate.

Education Changes Lives
Grace Ingram never gave up on her dream of earning her bachelor’s degree. Now she’s inspiring others.

Making Sound Decisions
Jacob Christensen, graduate of the UW Certificate in Audio Production, reflects on this hands-on, three-course certificate program.

Landing A New Career Path
Spencer Bowen follows his heart to transition from the military to Starbucks senior management to helping others.
Instructor Stories

Bridging Cultures Through Language
Committed to driving innovation in UWHS French courses, UW French professor Hedwige Meyer is working with UWHS instructors to update their curriculums to allow students to practice French with native speakers.

Digging Into the Culture and Diversity of Language
With a goal of providing students greater access and a different perspective on language diversity, linguistics instructor Lorna Rozelle is collaborating with Continuum to offer LING 234 as an asynchronous Summer Sessions course.

Increasing Access to UW in the High School
The passage of Senate Bill 5048 opened the door to higher education for thousands of Washington State high school students. An opportunity that UWHS teachers like Karly McKee Weishaar have been waiting to see come to fruition.

Inspiring Youth to Dream Big About Their Future
Youth & Teen Programs instructors Caitlin Chamberlin and Cole Kopca are creatively crafting their courses to bring students into the STEM world.

Getting a Taste of Hispanic Culture During Summer Sessions
Ana Gomez-Bravo is transforming her course into fully online summer sessions program to help increase access for students.

Making Programming Accessible to Everyone
With a knack for simplifying complex concepts and making class fun, Sabet Vallejo is making programming come alive for her students.

Shrinking the Shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals
With nearly half a million cybersecurity jobs going unfilled across the country, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky is seizing every opportunity to fill the deficit of talent.

Remote Learning Keeps Uw In The High School Students Connected
Committed to keeping her students connected, Spanish teacher Evelyn Jiménez uses language to bridge cultures and engage students.

Self-sustaining Degrees Allow For New Learning Opportunities
Carrie Kaelin, a professor in the UW Department of Health Services, creatively crafts her curriculum to fit the goals and needs of students.

Seizing The Opportunity To Increase Accessibility With Online Learning
Kristi Straus pushed for her Introduction to Environmental Studies course to be fully virtual in order increase learning opportunities and educate students more equitably.

Fostering Community Through Openness And Transparency
A veteran online instructor, Randal Root finds the switch to remote learning this year has shown learners and instructors the positive aspects of the format, especially the increased accessibility it provides.

Harnessing Technology To Provide A Rich Graduate Student Experience
Ekin Yasin sees her classes as a laboratory, which allows her to adapt her curriculum to empower different segments of the student population.

Pairing A Passion For Teaching With A Thirst For Learning
For lifelong learners aged 50 and over in the Puget Sound region, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW is a treasure. And so is instructor David Domke.

Challenging Youth At The Uw To Think Like Computer Scientists
Sabet Vallejo tailors her Algorithmic Thinking course to her students, spacing out topics to provide in-depth understanding.

Exploring Stem With Youth At The Uw
John Parker, a Seattle Public Schools STEM curriculum specialist, has been having fun with UW Summer Youth students every summer since 2011.

To Teach Broad Perspectives
David Vinson tailors his curriculum to his students, opening the possibility to diversify their perspectives through reading and writing assignments.

International Language And Culture
Learning about students' cultures inspired Fred to make a career out of teaching students from all over the globe in the International & English Language Programs at the UW.

In Seattle, Summers Should Be Lived Outdoors
Tim Billo finds that students thrive in natural environments where education can be a natural flow and exchange of ideas around a campfire.

Once Student Now Instructor
Maya Hemachandra's life-changing experience in the Certificate in Nonprofit Management led to a 15-year career that includes teaching in the same certificate program.

American Dream Educates For Decades
For lifelong learners aged 50 and over in the Puget Sound region, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW is a treasure. And so is instructor Carlos Gil.